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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Plant Unit Review

Plant Maintenance Unit
General characteristics of plants multicellular, eukaryotes, cell wall made of cellulose, autotrophs/ producers

What they need to survive – sunlight, water and minerals, gas exchange, movement of water and nutrients

  • Structure – cuticle, upper epidermis, palisade layer, spongy layer, vein (xylem and phloem), lower epidermis, guard cells, stomates, chloroplasts

  • Function photosynthesis (leaf is adapted for this), transpiration, gas exchange (diffusion)

  • Opening and closing of stomates/guard cells – example of feedback mechanism, has to do with photosynthesis, ATP/active transport, K+ ions, osmosis of water, guard cells swell, stomates open 
·      Structure – lenticels, xylem, phloem
  • Function – transport, support, gas exchange, food storage
  • Types – herbaceous, woody stems (cork, cortex, phloem, vascular cambium, xylem, pith)
  • Tree rings – tree age, climatic conditions, fires, etc.

  • Structure – root hairs, epidermis, cortex, endodermis, vascular bundle/conducting tissue (xylem and phloem)
  • Function – water absorption, food storage, anchorage, transport, root pressure

Water transport
  • Factors affecting water loss – wind, temperature, humidity, sunlight, water availability

  • Root Pressure - active transport of minerals in water diffuses in by osmosis.   

  • Transpiration (evaporation of water from leaf) and transpirational pull (water to water molecules = cohesion)
Chemical Control
  • Auxins – plant hormones, growth regulators, produced in root tips and stems at meristems
  • Tropisms – unequal plant growth in response to environmental stimulus (change)
      • Phototropism – growth in response to light
      • Geotropism – growth in response to gravity
      • Hydrotropism – growth in response to water
      • Thigmotropisms – response to touch
      • Positive tropism – turning toward stimulus
      • Negative tropism – turning away from stimulus

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