Welcome to the 2011-2012 School Year!

Welcome to Biology!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Testing Schedule

There has been a change in the testing schedule.  The biology midterm will now be administered in class when we return after testing week. This is for Mrs. Lupo's biology classes only.

Hopefully everyone received an index card from their primary teacher before the end of school today(1/20.) The information on the index card should include the days/times of all the required testing, as well as the assigned classroom number that will have the proper testing accommodations.  Please email your primary teacher if you have any questions.  

Good Luck on your exams!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Plant Unit Review

Plant Maintenance Unit
General characteristics of plants multicellular, eukaryotes, cell wall made of cellulose, autotrophs/ producers

What they need to survive – sunlight, water and minerals, gas exchange, movement of water and nutrients

  • Structure – cuticle, upper epidermis, palisade layer, spongy layer, vein (xylem and phloem), lower epidermis, guard cells, stomates, chloroplasts

  • Function photosynthesis (leaf is adapted for this), transpiration, gas exchange (diffusion)

  • Opening and closing of stomates/guard cells – example of feedback mechanism, has to do with photosynthesis, ATP/active transport, K+ ions, osmosis of water, guard cells swell, stomates open 
·      Structure – lenticels, xylem, phloem
  • Function – transport, support, gas exchange, food storage
  • Types – herbaceous, woody stems (cork, cortex, phloem, vascular cambium, xylem, pith)
  • Tree rings – tree age, climatic conditions, fires, etc.

  • Structure – root hairs, epidermis, cortex, endodermis, vascular bundle/conducting tissue (xylem and phloem)
  • Function – water absorption, food storage, anchorage, transport, root pressure

Water transport
  • Factors affecting water loss – wind, temperature, humidity, sunlight, water availability

  • Root Pressure - active transport of minerals in water diffuses in by osmosis.   

  • Transpiration (evaporation of water from leaf) and transpirational pull (water to water molecules = cohesion)
Chemical Control
  • Auxins – plant hormones, growth regulators, produced in root tips and stems at meristems
  • Tropisms – unequal plant growth in response to environmental stimulus (change)
      • Phototropism – growth in response to light
      • Geotropism – growth in response to gravity
      • Hydrotropism – growth in response to water
      • Thigmotropisms – response to touch
      • Positive tropism – turning toward stimulus
      • Negative tropism – turning away from stimulus

Physiology Review for Midterm

Immune System

 Disease as a Failure of Homeostasis 
·         any condition that prevents the body from working as it should
·         body may fail to maintain homeostasis
·         may become apparent right away (birth defect or poisoning), or may not show up for many years (cancer)
Transmitted by: PATHOGENS

Body’s 3 lines of defense

First Line
Second Line
If gets through 1st line Infection
Third Line

Non-Specific – “fortress walls”
Specific – “security guard”
·      Physical and Chemical barriers – skin, tears, sweat, saliva, mucus membranes, stomach acid
·         Inflammatory Response – increased blood flow
·      recognizes, attacks, destroys, remembers
·       T-cells  - killer T cells cause pathogen to burst
·       Memory T-cells and memory B cells cause a quicker response if infected with same pathogen again

Types of Immunity – ability of body to fight infection through the production of antibodies or cells that inactivate foreign substances or cells

·         “borrowed” immunity
·         temporary
·         Maternal immunity – antibodies come to baby from mother before birth and from mother’s breast milk
·         Body produces its own antibodies or killer T cells to attach an antigen
·         Results from having the disease or getting a vaccination

Preparation and use of a vaccine
1.      Obtain Pathogen
2.      Treat pathogen to kill or weaken it
3.      Inject altered pathogen (vaccine) into organism
4.      Body responds to antigens present by making antibodies and having white blood cells attack invader
5.      Some white blood cells specific for this pathogen remain in the body for a long time to continue the protection from future attacks by the pathogen.

Problems Associated With the Immune Response
Allergies –
·         rapid immune system reaction to environmental substances that are normally harmless
·         immune system reacts by releasing excess histamines – leads to runny nose, sneezing, rash, swelling
·         ex. certain foods, pollen, chemicals from insect bites
Damage to the Immune System
AIDS – Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome caused by HIV (a retrovirus)
condition whereby the body's specific defense system against all infectious agents no longer functions properly.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Physiology Unit

Organic – carbohydrates (simple sugars, starches, fiber), proteins, fats, vitamins  
Inorganic – water, minerals
 Digestive System
  • Function – break down food to a usable form (which is small enough to be absorbed into bloodstream and pass through cell membranes)
  • Ingestion à Digestion à Absorption of usable materials,  or Egestion of unusable materials (ex. fiber)
  • Mouth à pharynx à esophagus à stomach à small intestine à large intestine à rectum à anus
  • Accessory structures – food doesn’t enter, but produce enzymes or chemicals which assist in digestion, salivary glands, the pancreas, and liver
 Increasing surface area
  • mechanical digestion by teeth and stomach  - for enzyme action
  • bile (produced by liver) – acts like a detergent, dissolving and dispersing fat molecules  -for enzyme action
  • villi – for absorption into bloodstream from s.i.

Digestive Enzymes

Role in Digestion
Salivary Amylase
Proteins àlarge peptides
Small Intestine (from pancreas)
Continues breakdown of starch
Continues breakdown of proteins
Breaks down fats
Small Intestine
Maltase, sucrase, lactase
Disaccharides à monosaccharides
Dipeptides à amino acids
. Function
  • Excretion – removal of metabolic end products that are otherwise toxic to system
  • Metabolism – all the life functions, all chemical and biological reactions – synthesis, respiration, hydrolysis, neutralization reactions
II. Structures
A. Skin
B. Liver
C. Lungs
D. Kidneys

#1 - the CORTEX.
§         jam-packed with lots & lots of those nephrons
§         filtering layer of the kidney.

#2 - the MEDULLA. §         middle layer
§         collecting layer.
§         Tubes carrying filtered wastes travel from the cortex, through the medulla towards the pelvis.

#3 - the PELVIS. §         area where all of the collecting tubules come together & connect with the ureter (which is structure #4).
§          ureter transports the wastes (urine) to the urinary bladder.

THE NEPHRON - the structural units of the Kidney  
  • Blood is carried to the kidneys by the renal arteries, which branch into smaller arteries inside the cortex and th en lead to clusters of capillaries called  glomeruli.
§         Each glomerulus is surrounded by a "C"-shaped structure called the Bowman's Capsule.  It is here that materials such as urea, salts, water, glucose, & others pass from the blood into the nephron.
§         These materials (referred to as the "filtrate") pass through the tubule, also known as the loop of Henle.  As the filtrate travels through the tubule, useful substances are reabsorbed into the surrounding capillaries (which connect to veins that will transport the "clean" blood back to the heart via the renal vein).
§         About 180 liters of filtrate is produced each day, but only 1.5 liters of urine.  So as you can see, most materials that initially enter the nephron are reabsorbed, leaving only the urea, salts, & some water in the tubule. 
§         These metabolic wastes form urine, which is transported to the urinary bladder by the collecting tubule.



Complete the Respiration and Excretory System packet.

Biology Review Games


Monday, January 9, 2012

January 10, 2012

Homework Alert! 

Complete questions 50-53.

Save the date!

This Thursday, January 12, a counselor from BOCES will be in the Little Theatre during 3rd and 4th period to talk to our students who may want to attend there next year.  Students only attend one period (preferably during a free one.)  If they do have a class, they need a pass signed by their teacher in order to attend.  Passes can be picked up in the counseling center.